• Welcome!

    This site is a plain installation of the latest stable version of Moodle 4.4 using the Boost theme.

    Use one of the following demo accounts to log in and play with it:

    • admin / sandbox
    • manager / sandbox
    • teacher / sandbox
    • student / sandbox


    This site is reset to its blank state every hour, on the hour.

    To see a more interesting demo site with more realistic content, visit: Mount Orange School.

    An earlier supported version is also available:

    Moodle 4.3 sandbox 

Available courses

FUNDA SHEMTRAC is the ultimate safety officers short course designed to equip individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge required for Safety, Health, and Environmental Management. This course is NQF Level 5 and verified by Saiosh with 5 CPD Points. At FUNDA, we understand that time is of the essence, which is why we have condensed this 10-day course to just 5 days. Our comprehensive program includes a Masterclass and practical's that offer invaluable insights and hands-on experience in the field. Sign up for FUNDA SHEMTRAC today and take a step towards a career in safety management.  

This is a blank course, ready for you to start adding students, content and activities.

This is a blank course, ready for you to start adding students, content and activities.